Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Little Hearts goes along the way...

Initially I wanted to buy that J Crew heart breaker sweater that was on sale. My sister bought one in grey when she was in NYC and I want the purple. Of course I waited too long, by the time I decided that I need to have it, my size is no longer available for the purple.

Then the day before my sister left we went to the Domain and I found this at Madewell and bought it right away :D

All these little hearts are making me happy! and it reminded me of my little sister. Miss YOU!


ODJ: Sweater from Madewell, SFAM Skinny jeans, Materna heels from Louboutin, Love bracelets from Cartier and Chanel J12.


  1. Oh i think i like it more than the j crew one! you look great in it!

  2. Ahh you are too kind, but thank you!
