Thursday, March 8, 2012

My 2nd Love is here!

She finally arrives safely after overnight FedEx trip from Dallas :D
I cannot wait to get home so I can get DH to put it on and maybe take some pics. My Love bracelets are now complete. I think I'm going to put myself on a ban for luxury items for a while.

ps. The price increase is totally coming in a week or two. The SA told me herself. So if you plan to get something in the next few months, may as well get them now.



  1. May I ask what is the price now please?

  2. You can check it out at for prices information. But as of today it is 5575.

  3. Can you recommend the sales associate from Cartier Dallas that you bought your Love bracelet from? Thanks.

  4. The SA who sold me the bracelet called Barbara and she's actually an associate manager. I'm personally won't be dealing with her again in the future. You may have a different experience though so don't just take my word for it. I would try with Bill or Matthew before Barbara.
