Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Almost 17!

Hello! Nothing new from this side. I'm 16w5d today and I feel fine. Trying to put up with the heat is the hardest. Umm..oh DH and I also found out that one of the twinkies is a boy! I'm so very happy! I've been wanting a little boy for the longest time :-D

Unfortunately the other kiddo loves to play hide and seek, won't find out until my next appointment in about 3 weeks. If it's a girl, then everything is perfect!

Anyhow, I'm having a problem loving this maternity jeans. I bought this skinny maternity from Pea in the Pod, the fit is great but I have to keep pulling it up, how classy. Hope it will fit better in a couple of weeks. I still can wear my SFAM but it's a little snug as soon as I had my meal. Muffin top is not classy either don't you think haha.


ODJ: Silk top from Banana Republic, Skinny Jeans from Pea in the Pod, Shoes from J.Crew, Cartier de Ballon Bleu and Vitello Half Moon tote from Prada.


  1. You look great, love the BR top!

    Congrats on your wonderful news!

    P.S. Thanks again for answering all my questions regarding the watch! I love it, just need to justify it in my mind as an investment piece.

  2. Thanks!! and don't worry about all the questions, happy to help!

  3. oh my goodness!

    a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS! Twins no less! This is just too exciting!

    If that photo is of you at 17weeks with twins I highly doubt you will be as big as Texas hahaha....

    this year is truly a big baby boomer year. when is your EDD?

  4. Oh hahahah Thank you Sass!!
    Yeah that photo was from yesterday morning before work. Trust me, my tummy always looks huge after 5PM!

    EDD is suppose to be Feb 3, but because I'm having twins, it will be Jan 21.

    How's your little Preston? gemes!

  5. I will be visiting Austin this weekend. I remember sending you message on tpf, asking for your advice regarding the best restaurants in the area. Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted all messages (including your reply).

    I hate to ask this again, but could you please recommend top 2-3 restaurants in Austin?

    Thank you!

  6. Hi Mona,
    I still keep my reply on tpf :-) I will forward it to you now!
